You've Started School


   I don't quite know what to say apart from I miss you. You have started your new adventure as a school child and I couldn't be more proud of you. I have seriously felt lost these past couple of days and the days seem to have dragged so badly for me. 

   Your first day was yesterday and you seemed to do so well, you made friends, smiled when you came out and even ate some of the school dinner that you were given (cheesy potato hotpot). You looked so smart in you uniform but it's still only a 3-4 size jumper (so tiny).

  Your teacher is Mrs Goodchild and she seems so nice, you said you liked her which has made me happy. Your teaching assistant is Miss Hardcastle, she is lovely and has been so helpful already, I just hope no-one makes you cry or hurts you.

   I have so many anxious feelings right now and even more so yesterday but I know in the back of my mind I shouldn't as I know you have been ready for this move for so long. You love reading and writing and are even slowly getting into your numbers.

   I just worry whether you will actually eat lunch, whether you will ask to go to the toilet, whether you will be able to change from you uniform to your PE kit easily, whether you will be kind or behave and weather you will miss me and Daddy.

  Good luck my girl, you make us so proud and I just hope you have a great time in your first year. 

      Mummy and Daddy. X


  1. Aww, what a sweet note to Lilly. I always imagine how worrying it must be for a mother to see their child going to school for the first time, such a change for both parent and child. Over time she will definitely find her footing and flourish in school and you'll have no worries x

  2. My son also started school this year, and so far he has lost a jumper, eaten his glasses and ruined every item of clothing in the space of a week! He loves it though, so that's all that matters! :)

  3. It must be so nerve-wracking when your children start school. I hope Lilly enjoys her first year!

  4. Aw this is such a lovely post, I am glad she had a good first day. I always remember being super scared for my first days of school! :) x

  5. Best wishes to your daughter. She has a beautiful smile and looks great in school uniform. My son starts nursery next year.


  6. Oh bless her, she looks so tiny in her uniform. It's so hard to let go of them when they start school, she will love it though.

  7. Aw, bless her, hope she's having a fab time at her new school.

  8. Ahh I'm glad she has settled in well. I would feel lost too without the little man by my side

  9. What a beautiful note to Lilly :) Is she still enjoying it? My youngest started reception a few weeks and he absolutely hates it. He screams none stop all night because he doesn't want to go. It breaks my heart.

    Louise x

  10. I am so glad her first day at school went well. She looks very smart!


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