Mummy + Me • June 2016

How is it possible that I am writing my June Mummy + me. We have had a busy month full on appointments, an interview and sorting stuff out. Sadly I haven't taken many pictures of both us us this month but this one makes me smule so much, her smile just lightens up my day. This month we haven't had the best weather again so a lot of time has been a lot of indoor play and just enjoying each others company. She can now write her name herself, which makes me so proud and can almost count to 25 which is made. The time we did enjoy outside was either enjoying the sun (when it shone)at the park with a picnic and also we attended our local Armed Forces Day which was a lovely afternoon out. As of today we just have three weeks left of school runs before having my girl home for the summer holidays, I seriously cannot wait, but don't want to eish time away yet haha. How was June for you? It was certainly better than recent months for us. xXx