Chinese New year crafts

Today is Chinese New year,  the year of the monkey, so I wanted to do some crafts with Lilly to celebrate and teach Lilly about all the festivities. 

First is the Chinese dragon, this was pretty fun to make and Lilly loves it.

To make this I used a print off which I found on the crayons website. Lilly coloured it in and I cut it out. I made a concertina out of some paper and stuck it to the head and tale as a body. We had some gold shiny paper which I used as flames.

Second was a paper lantern with the left of paper from the concertina. I used to make these all the time.

Fold the paper in half and cut off about a 2cm strip off the end. The next part is cut strips about 2cm's apart from the folded end and stop about 2 cm's from the top. You then unfold and join the top together at the top and bottom to make a lantern shape. Now use the strip you cut off to make a handle.

Did you do anything to do for Chinese New year? 



  1. My kids love doing Chinese New Year crafts and these and such a great idea. I love the paper lantern.

  2. Ah, these are lovely. My eldest two children made various bits and pieces in school and one of them even ate noodles and fortune cookies! It's so important for children to explore and understand other cultures. x

  3. Aw what a lovely activity to do together and so relevant to the day xx

  4. Awww I can't wait to start doing crafts with my little one. We do bits and bobs but nothing where he can just enjoy an activity fully just yet x

  5. Aah how lovely!! I can't wait to do things like this with the twins!! They love doing crafts but they're still a bit too little and I usually end up doing it all for them!! ;)

  6. Lovely idea must try making this with Harry. I think he would enjoy it! x

  7. Awww these are lovely ideas :) I love the dragon, it looks so cool!

    Gemma xx

  8. These ideas are brilliant. I have never thought of doing crafts for Chinese New Year before. But I definitely plan to do these at some point. Hugs Mrs H xxxx


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