Halloween 2015

We had a very queit and relaxed Halloween with a couple of crafts, a costume and a spooky dinner to finish the night off.

He cute little Spider princess costume was from Aldi and was only about £3 which I thougt was a brilliant price, and she looks super cute too. She loved being the spider princess and was waving her wand about at me and Daddy, turning us into bugs.

We made a bracelet with a kit that I got last year fron Sainsbury's and after we made some toilet roll monsters.

You will need:
- Painted toilet rolls
- Glue
- Anything you want to add.

Lilly loved adding the stars and deciding what face I should draw on the front. I pre-painted the tubes a few days ago and hadn't got around to it till yesterday, but it gave us an extra thing to do.

At dinner time I wanted to keep the Halloween theme going so I made her a kind of spooky spider dinner. This was a waffle, a sausage square (cut into a spider shape), sweetcorn and gravy. She loved it and ate the whole of it as quick as possible. 

After dinner I ran her bath and while she was in the bath we watched on Halloween videos on YouTube which I think I enjoyed more than her.

At bed time we read 'Not now, Bernard' and a chapter from 'The Twits' in the McDonald's book.

All in all I think Lilly enjoyed herself and had a nice Halloween. 

I hope you all had a lovely Halloween too.



  1. Love the toilet roll monsters, we might give those a go I think - simple but effective!

  2. Love the toilet roll monsters. The costume from Aldi is great! What fantastic value. I didn't see any in there :( x

  3. Awww love the toilet rolll monsters, such a fab idea! And I love the spider on her head!

    Gemma xx

  4. Oh those toilet roll monsters are fab! I will have to do these with my girls. xx

  5. Look at the little spider. :)
    The toilet rolls look really cute. We haven't done any arts and crafts this halloween unfortunately. We did go trick or treating though.

  6. Aaww what a cute spider princess! Love the toilet roll monsters! Kaz x


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