Growing up fast

Lately I have noticed how much Lilly has grown and changed. It has happened so quickly and I wish I could take every moment in.

It seems only yesterday that she was only just on the move and now she is literally everywhere, she is so fast and such a dare devil. Lilly always wants to do things without help and usually manages it. 

I noticed how much she had changed on our holiday, her talking seemed so strong and clear when away, I wonder weather that's because she was with my parents too. She was making friends and joining in the groups that they do, listening to instructions and managing to follow them.

She also started doing a number 2 in the toilet which we had been struggling to get her to do at home. Another thing that happened was that she went 5 nights Iin a row being completely dry. 

The most amazing thing was when we went into the pool! She had not been in a pool for almost two year but took to it like a duck to water. She had her princess armbands on and she was so excited. I then started letting her go to float on her own, which was nerve racking but she was fine. She then started to kind of swim to us kicking as hard as she could. It makes me so proud and I can't believe how much she learnt.

As I've said, I am so proud of our little girl and can't believe how much she has grown and changed in to a beautiful little girl. I sometimes feel like I take her for granted but she really is my world.



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