Halloween craft for toddlers

So today Lilly did her first ever Halloween craft with me. I was clearing out her craft cupboard I came across a bag of sweet wrappers and thought about something I could make. So here it is, our sweet wrapper pumpkin, quick and simple.

You will need:
- Some card
- Sweet wrappers 
- Glue
- Scissors
- Chalk

Firstly draw your pumpkin or other shape onto the card with chalk or light crayon.
Next glue the entire shape inside, Lilly did most, I just filled the area in.

Next let your little ones stick down the wrappers which match your theme and picture. We used orange and gold for the face and green for the stalk.
make sure all the wrappers are secure and glue down amy over laps.

Next is to cut it out and tidy the edges.
To make the face I took the corners of the offcut card and got lilly to stick into place with help of pointing out roughly where.

So simple and cheap to do.



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