2 year update

I seriously cannot believe Lilly is two years old, really am in shock! She really does make me proud and surprises me every single day. Talking She is doing amazingly well with her speech, she is stringing words together to create sentences and is also using words such and delicious and ridiculous in the right places. She has also started to think about her answers before saying things and asks for many different things. Another thing she loves to do is sing her little heart out, theme tunes, nursery rhymes, popular songs and movie songs, its so cute. Eating She has become slightly more fussy with what she east but still eats the majority of things we put infront of her. Sadly Lilly has gone off of pasta which is a shame but she will have soup and bread or fish, sausages, sometimes even a roast dinner. She loves her fruit and sweets and also a huge like are the bears yoyo's which are made of fruit. Sleeping She FINALLY sleeps through and s...