Toddler Tuesday | Lilly's 21 month update.

I am so sorry for the absence. But I have not had it in me to blog or vlog.

So Lilly turned 21 months old on Saturday just gone, which means it is now less than three months till her 2nd birthday.

She still eats everything and anything but seems to be more hungry, like constantly hungry lol. Fruit and veg are her favourite even before chocolate now.

She has started sleeping through about once a week so I get a brilliant nights sleep, just hope that but winter she sleeps through properly which would be amazing.

She is still in 12-18 month clothing and a few larger 9-12 t-shirts. She again is in 3.5 shoes almost size 4 but she is definitely growing.

So basically she is doing brilliantly in my eyes with everything including speech, playing, singing and just generally being a toddler.

Thanks for reading



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