She lost more teeth

No one told me her loosing baby teeth would be so emotional, she has now lost four and is a pro at this now but it still makes my heart ache a little. Every sign of a wobbly tooth now and she's on the apples trying to make it fall out and it is the cutest reaction when it actually happens. I remember the first one like it was yesterday, the excitment and fear in Lils eyes, wondering if it was going to hurt and if the tooth fairy would actually come. When it finally happened Lilly was estatic, she washed it carefully with the plug in, put it in our sepcial envelope for the tooth fairy and waited for bedtime. She woke pretty early the next morning to a retreived baby tooth and in its place, a £2 coin and a first tooth certificate. It's one of the big milestones for her age range and one that is so significant to both the child and the parent and one that I will never forget.